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Choosing a Planner

Why Choose a CFP® Professional

Most people think all financial planners are “certified,” but this isn’t true. Just about anyone can use the title “financial planner.” CFP Board benefits the public by independently certifying financial planners. Although CFP Board does not guarantee their work, CFP® professionals have met rigorous qualifications for financial planning. Only those who have fulfilled CFP Board’s rigorous requirements can call themselves a CFP® professional.

As part of their certification, CFP® professionals commit to high ethical standards. What’s more, a CFP® professional must acquire several years of experience related to delivering financial planning services to clients and pass the comprehensive CFP® Certification Exam before they can call themselves a CFP® professional.

Young CFP® Professional creating client's financial plan
The CFP® Professional Difference

Your Interests should come first

Working with a CFP® professional can help you find the path to achieving your financial goals. Your goals may evolve over the years as a result of shifts in your lifestyle or circumstances such as an inheritance, career change, marriage, house purchase or a growing family. As you begin to consider how best to manage your financial future, you should feel confident knowing that with a CFP® professional, you’re working with someone who has committed to CFP Board, as part of their certification, that they will act as a fiduciary, and therefore, act in their client’s best interests, at all times when providing financial advice to a client. CFP Board doesn’t guarantee a CFP® professional’s services, but CFP Board may sanction a CFP® professional who does not abide by this commitment.

What Sets a CFP® Professional Apart

When you hire a CFP® professional, you work with an advisor who has met rigorous qualifications for financial planning. Most important, a CFP® professional has made a commitment to CFP Board to act in the best interests of their client.

Financial Planner Without CFP® Certification CFP® Professional
It’s easy for someone to call themselves a financial planner. Meets requirements established by CFP Board.
May not be required to put your best interests first. Makes a commitment to CFP Board, as part of their certification, to place your best interests first. Can receive sanctions from CFP Board, and even risk losing their certification, for violations of ethical standards set by CFP Board.
Level of financial planning knowledge varies. Has demonstrated the knowledge required to deliver holistic financial planning.
Years of experience varies. Must have a minimum of 2 years of financial planning experience.


What Makes CFP® Professionals Different

When you choose a CFP® professional, you can be assured that you’re working with a financial advisor who has demonstrated competency and made a commitment to ethics. CFP® professionals must successfully complete a multi-year, multi-step process to obtain the skills and real-life experience they need to serve your best interests, no matter what your financial goals are.

Learn more about the certification process for becoming a CFP® professional

Learn about how a CFP® professional’s commitment to uphold the Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct can benefit your plans for a confident and secure financial future.

Working with a CFP® professional provides peace of mind, as she or he is trained to guide you through the daunting process of pulling your financial life together into a clear picture.

Daniel Forbes
CFP® Professional
Daniel Forbes
CFP® Professional

Working with a CFP® professional provides peace of mind, as she or he is trained to guide you through the daunting process of pulling your financial life together into a clear picture.

Erin Voisin
CFP® professional

A CFP® professional is your partner along the way. Someone to check in with and someone who is there to answer your questions, give you peace of mind and help you pursue your financial goals.

Ross Levin

The only guarantee in life is that it changes. A CFP® professional is prepared to adjust your financial plans as you make adjustments to life’s never-ending changes.

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